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Your Labiaplasty F.A.Q.’s answered by Steven Yarinsky, MD, FACS

The following are questions often asked by our new labiaplasty patients. You can receive more in depth answers at your personal consultation with Dr. Yarinsky.

  1. Am I a good candidate? You should have realistic expectations about what labiaplasty can do for you regarding enhancing overall appearance and minimizing symptoms caused by excess labial skin.
  2. Can I see before-and-after photos? Dr. Yarinsky will show you many photos of his labiaplasty patients at your consultation, but he prefers for discretion’s sake not to post them on his website.
  3. Can I speak with former patients? At your consultation, with your request, you will receive names and phone numbers of other women who have been treated by Dr. Yarinsky. Speak with them about their level of satisfaction with their results and with the care provided by the staff of Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery, PC.
  4. Where is the procedure performed? Labiaplasty is done typically using general anesthesia at our Joint Commission accredited office surgery facility for your privacy, comfort and convenience.
  5. Dr. Yarinsky and his staff will answer all the following questions in detail at your consultation:

  6. What are the benefits and risks to labiaplasty? What complications are seen most often and how are they treated?
  7. What are the before and after labiaplasty guidelines to follow?
  8. What about pain (at the time of the procedure and afterwards) and downtime?
  9. Where are the scars located?
  10. How long will I have to wait to have intercourse and use tampons?
  11. Will sexual function be enhanced?
  12. How will the surgery be performed? What techniques work the best? What instruments are used to trim the labia? How long does the procedure take?
  13. When will the stitches dissolve?
  14. How much will labiaplasty cost? Does insurance cover it? Are there financing options?
  15. Why should I choose a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in doing labiaplasties?

Click here for more information and to download this page to print and bring with you to your consultation appointment. Dr. Yarinsky and his staff are dedicated to educating you fully about labiaplasty so you can make an informed decision. Our staff provides you with an exceptional level of quality service and care to achieve the best possible result.

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