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Breast Implant Removal

Breast augmentation performed by a highly qualified provider such as Dr. Yarinsky is usually very successful. Most women love their results and choose to keep their implants for their lifetime. However, some choose to have their breast implants removed years later for a variety of reasons, including health issues or dissatisfaction with the implants themselves.

Steven Yarinsky, MD, FACS, our board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience, is well-known for his surgical skill and consistently beautiful breast enhancement results. If you choose to have explantation, Dr. Yarinsky will use the most advanced techniques available to safely remove your implants and tighten, lift, and reshape the skin to restore the natural breast profile you had before your initial surgery.

What Is Breast Implant Removal? 

Breast explantation refers to the removal of breast implants, which may also include removing some of the surrounding tissue using a variety of different techniques. The surgical technique used is related to the condition being treated and can depend upon the size, shape, and pocket location or position of the implants. One of the most common explantation procedures is the “en bloc” capsulectomy. Derived from the French “en bloc,” meaning “as a whole,” the en bloc capsulectomy involves the simultaneous removal of the implant and the scar tissue that forms around it, which is called the capsule. 

If there is a thickened, hard, or tender capsule, Dr. Yarinsky favors the en bloc capsulectomy method for eligible patients due to its many benefits, which are not limited to a reduced risk of leakage and the removal of potentially problematic scar tissue. He can determine whether this procedure is right for you after a thorough evaluation of your overall health and aesthetic goals.

Should I Get My Breast Implants Removed?

You may be a candidate for breast implant removal surgery if:

Rarely seen conditions such as breast implant illness (BII) or breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) may warrant implant removal. While BII has not been scientifically confirmed to be caused by breast implants, it is suspected to be an abnormal autoimmune reaction that manifests itself with symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, and neurological conditions. BIA-ALCL, which occurs in less than ten women per year (only about 700 cases total in the entire world), is a type of cancer that has been associated with certain types of textured implants, the most common of which have been removed from the market and are no longer available for use. Although both of these conditions are extremely uncommon, Dr. Yarinsky is aware of their dangers and offers explantation surgery as a possible remedy.

Rather than having your implants removed and left out, you may benefit from having them replaced. This can be achieved with breast revision surgery, in which Dr. Yarinsky can improve the appearance of your breasts seen after your original augmentation by repositioning your implants or changing their size and pocket location. If you are unsure whether to undergo explantation or revision surgery, Dr. Yarinsky will gladly guide you in your decision.

What Does the Explantation or En Bloc Capsulectomy Procedure Involve?

Dr. Yarinsky performs your breast explantation in his Joint Commission-accredited facility using general anesthesia. The procedure usually uses only one incision made along the inframammary fold (the crease located beneath your breasts), but if your implants are larger, or if you also need a breast lift or skin tightening to get the best-appearing result, additional incisions may be necessary. Sometimes the implants alone need to be removed. In other cases, both the implant and capsule are carefully removed. Then Dr. Yarinsky cleanses the pocket with an antibiotic solution that kills any bacteria present before closing the incision to help prevent postoperative infection.

What Can I Expect After Breast Implant Removal?

The timeline of recovery from your breast implant removal will depend on your overall health, the technique used, and more. Patients usually experience swelling and bruising during the healing process, both of which are normal reactions and should disappear within a few weeks. Swelling can take a few months to disappear. You will be advised to avoid strenuous exercise for approximately six weeks. Dr. Yarinsky will prescribe pain medications, antibiotics, a post-surgical bra, and thorough verbal and written instructions to help you have a safe, successful recovery.

How Much Does Breast Implant Removal Cost?

The average cost of breast implant removal ranges from $6,000 to $18,000 depending upon whether a simple removal alone, capsulectomy, or more involved procedure are needed to achieve the best possible result. At your consultation, after Dr. Yarinsky determines what procedure will be best for you, you will receive a “Global Fee,” which includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia costs, supplies, use of our operating facility, nursing care, and follow-up visits. The total cost varies since Dr. Yarinsky customizes each breast explantation surgery to meet your needs and desires. 

After you are evaluated and receive your fee quote at your consultation, our staff will be happy to assist you with financing options if needed. If you are interested in applying for a payment plan with a third-party financer, please review our plastic surgery financing options.

For more information about breast implant removal surgery, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery, PC today.

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