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Virtual Consultation

At Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery, PC, we frequently see patients that live outside of Saratoga Springs. To simplify the consultation process, we have created the form below where you can submit information about your goals and photographs of yourself for Dr. Yarinsky to review. If you have questions about arranging a virtual consultation with Dr. Yarinsky please call our office at (518) 583-4019. For an in-person, in-office consultation please CLICK HERE or call our office at (518) 583-4019.

If you have some photos of yourself that you would like to share, please use the upload button below to upload photos to send to us. To make the most out of your virtual consultation, do your best to submit your photographs in the following format. This will allow Dr. Yarinsky to make the most comprehensive assessment. Use a solid background. If your areas of concern are your face, breasts or body, take at least one, preferably two profile photos. For labiaplasty patients, please do not include your face or any identifying marks in the photos of your labial region.

*Indicates Required Field
Communications through our website or via email are not encrypted and are not necessarily secure. Use of the internet or email is for your convenience only, and by using them, you assume the risk of unauthorized use. Emailing and messaging do not create a physician/patient relationship and cannot replace in person communication / examination.

To schedule a consultation
Call (518) 583-4019
Email Us