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What to Expect in Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

mommy makeover saratoga springs ny
If you are unhappy with the changes that have occurred in your body following one or multiple pregnancies, you may be a good candidate for the mommy makeover procedure. The combination of contouring and enhancement surgeries can help you restore your pre-baby body and, more importantly, your confidence.

In the initial consultation, you will meet with our patient care coordinators and nurses, and I will conduct a comprehensive evaluation. At this time, I will determine whether you are a good candidate for the mommy makeover and what procedure(s) would best fit your needs to provide you with your desired outcome. I will examine your “problem areas” and educate you about the procedural options using diagrams and brochures. For example, if breast implants could enhance your results, you will learn about all of your options, including the newly offered “gummy bear” implants, and decide what size implant you want by trying on prefilled gel sizers.

Any questions you may have will be answered during your consultation, and the costs will be explained to you. Should you have more questions after your visit, we encourage you to call us or return for a “re-consult”; bring a friend or family member if you wish. Otherwise, you can wait until your pre-operative visit, which is a few weeks before your procedure — at this appointment, you will receive a detailed instruction brochure as well as your prescriptions in advance. You can also take advantage of our cosmetic patient phone referral network and directly speak with my mommy makeover patients about their procedure results and their level of satisfaction with the care which we provided. My staff and I believe that educating you before having your mommy makeover can help speed your recovery and alleviate your anxiety.

Dr. Steven Yarinsky

If you would like more information about the procedure, or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us today. Stay tuned for our next blog post to learn about the recovery process following the surgery.

To schedule a consultation
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