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Sientra® OPUS™ Gummy Bear Breast Implants Now Available at our Office Surgery Center

Our breast augmentation patients at Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery, PC can choose from a wide range of breast implant options to achieve their ideal look—from different types and shapes to various surfaces and profiles. To help patients further customize their results, Dr. Steven Yarinsky is now offering the new Sientra® OPUS™ breast implants. This new brand of implants is composed of a High-Strength Cohesive Silicone Gel, which contributes to a natural look and feel while ensuring the implants retain their shape. Having used Sientra® “gummy bear” implants since 2012—longer than any other plastic surgeon in the Albany and Upstate New York area—Dr. Yarinsky is excited to offer the new OPUS™ line of breast implants to his patients. These are the same gel breast implant he has used since 2012, now ‘rebranded’.

The Sientra® OPUS™ implants are the only brand of silicone gel breast implants sold exclusively to board-certified plastic surgeons. The new line is also protected under Sientra®’s Platinum20™ Product Replacement and Limited Warranty Program. This extensive coverage offers benefits such as free lifetime replacement if an implant ruptures and 20-year replacement for capsular contracture complications, late forming seroma, and double capsule. This is the best warranty in the business compared with only 10 years for the other implant companies.

To learn more about breast augmentation, the Sientra® OPUS™ silicone gel implants, and if they can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, please contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Yarinsky.

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