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Sientra ‘Gummy Bear’ Implants Available in Albany Region only at Dr. Yarinsky’s Office

Sientra Gummy Bear ImplantsSientra breast implants, the premium 5th Generation “Gummy Bear”, are only available at this time in the Albany/Capital Region area at Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery. Dr. Yarinsky started using Sientra implants in 2011 to provide his patients with superlative results. Dr. Yarinsky says, “Sientra gel breast implants have a more tightly bonded shell and internal gel that resists breakage. In fact they have the lowest 5 year rupture or breakage rate among all breast implant manufacturers! In addition, the softness of these implants mirrors natural breast texture and feel, yet rippling commonly seen with saline or older style silicone filled implants is minimized or eliminated. Our patients have expressed a significant increase in satisfaction with their breast augmentation results”. Along with improved results, Sientra offers one of the most comprehensive patient warranties in the business, covering both implant breakage and capsular contracture (hard breast formation) for many years.

Since the supply in the United States is limited at this time, Sientra has partnered with board certified plastic surgeons around the country like Dr. Yarinsky who have extensive experience and expertise using their breast implants. “Sientra is only available in Albany/Schenectady and Troy and Saratoga/Glens Falls regions at our office- and your augmentation is done right at our Joint Commission accredited office-based surgery center for convenience, comfort, privacy and cost savings over the hospital setting,” attests Dr. Yarinsky. If you are considering breast augmentation – before you do anything elsewhere- contact our practice to learn more about why Sientra may be the best choice for you!

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